Increase Your Chances At Starting A Successful WordPress Business

If business success is, as I believe, equal parts great idea, hard work, and luck, what hope is there if I can’t control luck? I’m glad you asked.

It’s true, there is no guarantee that your business will be a success. There are, however, some things you can do to increase your chances that luck will find you in the right place at the right time.

When we started the WP Ninjas back in 2011, no one knew who we were (some of you still may not). We were launching into a saturated market, had zero experience in a product business, and had been very unlucky for the previous six years. After a year and half of careful planning and intentional changes, we are a very different company and have found what many would call financial success. We got lucky. But only because we made it easy for luck to find us.

In this talk, we take a look at tools and tips that will help you position your project for greatness. If you think you have a great idea, and are willing to work hard, then perhaps I can provide the missing link between lucky and unlucky.

